Why Suddenly Write?

haRies Efrika
2 min readNov 23, 2020


Actually it is not sudden. It just, I recently realized my urge to write because I have so many things I have in mind. Sometimes they are just overwhelming and I could not go to sleep just because of thinking certain topics. Basically I need to write them down. Albert Einstein once said never memorize something that you can look up 😆 So in my case I will unload a lot of my memory into stories.

So, the articles will be mostly your diaries ?

Partly ranting, partly spice of life, partly will be life hacks, some will be sharing sessions, others might be just my personal vision and opinion of something.

Are you writing these with hope that people agree with your stories?

😃 I need to perhaps explain a bit about my social media habit. I am not after popularity and I do not generally care if people like, give thumbs up to the feed or pictures I shared. As an example, there is a famous term called “instagrammable”, a term that refers whether a picture is worth to be uploaded to Instagram. Let me tell you, from how I see it, the word does not exist in my dictionary. I will post another story after this one, to explain more about this. Please hang on.

So you are okay with other people criticizing your writings ?

Why not, be my guest. Whether I will learn something from the critics or not, that may be different story. I do not write to impress anybody nor to search for acceptance and followers, nor to do this professionally. As mentioned before, this is just the process to unload my thoughts. For sure I don’t want people opinion to be additional loads for my brain memories 😙

Why writing, not video blogging for instance?

Just my personal preference. Whenever I need information, I prefer to search for “Texts”. Sometimes the information only reside in a video but that will be my last resort. Watching a video on YouTube often just wastes my time, because it is filled with unnecessary things and I could not find at which minute:seconds, that contain information I am looking for. Article, in other hand, is very friendly with Ctrl-F function. Therefore, if somehow my articles could provide something useful and insightful to anybody, I would like them to easily find what they are looking for.

Go on, write something then.

I would, if you actually stop asking questions. See you on the next article! 😅



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