Movie Review: Hilda

haRies Efrika
3 min readDec 31, 2020


Hilda is an adventurous cartoon movie starring cute little blue hair girl who has no limit on bravery. The series recently aired on Netflix.

The first time I saw the artwork, it reminds me to Smurf. But Hilda is actually created by Luke Pearson, not Peyo. Luke is the same guy who created “The Adventure Time”, although the artwork for Hilda is very different.

Although as a movie it got released in Netflix recently (2018, and 2nd season aired December 2020), Hilda was actually a comic book released in 2010. The artwork is beautiful and very detailed. Totally different unlike how usually US cartoon are commonly drawn (i.e. power puff girls or duck tales). But in Hilda — everything, every scenery is beautifully drawn and complete.

The main story of Hilda centers on her journey along with family and friends, in a vast magical world full of mythical creatures. The world and the creatures are easy to digest, because they resemble myths that we have heard as a child. You will meet giant, elf, troll, dragon and spirits. But it also introduces not widely known creatures like — who have heard — Vittra or Nisse ? 😄

Story Plot

Hilda lives with her single mother in the middle of wilderness, far from Trollberg city, and she has been accustomed with being lonely, traveling the woods and mountains by herself. She has an unusual “pet” named Twig, a very rare white DeerFox that she found by accident, that most people in Trollberg will not believe it actually exists. Hilda also likes to draw a lot. She likes to draw natures and creatures. Hilda even has an artist-hat that she wears everywhere.

One day Hilda realizes that she has a lot of invisible neighborhood that apparently, are, elves. Elves who really love to do correspondence, even Hilda has to sign contract to be able to see them. Due to incidents with the elves and the giants, Hilda and her mom lost their house in the forest. They have to move to the city. This is where Hilda’s real adventure begins. Hilda who never had friends since baby, starts to hangout with new kids at town and even joining boy scouts.

While adapting to the new town lifestyle, Hilda meets many new amazing creatures. Some even become Hilda’s best friends.

Personal View

There are a lot to learn from this movie. In each episode, the story will focus in development of certain character or few characters, or creatures, and their problems. Yes, everybody has problems, even the great witch has problems 😆

Hilda is not perfect either. No matter how brave she is, she is actually very stubborn and often making her mom worried. Something that she has to learn the hard way to finally learned her sorry.

It is supposed to be kid’s movie for entertainment purpose. But I feel many positive messages are brought in:

  • love nature more and they will love us
  • do not judge ̶c̶r̶e̶a̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ people by their looks
  • lying will only get the problem worse
  • even the most perfect person can have embarrassing issue
  • how to negotiate win-win solution with dangerous creature 😅
  • — and still lot more.

The dialog is also very smart and often funny. You need to hear how Alfur the elf, playing with words.

Currently the movie has two seasons released. But with the surprising ending in the last episode of 2nd season, I am so thrilled to wait the next episode.

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Thanks for reading 🍻



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